Rodipet Terracotta Sand Bathing Bowl | 13cm

Rodipet Terracotta Sand Bathing Bowl | 13cm


  • $9.10
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Many rodents maintain their coats by bathing in fine sand – this helps to absorb excess oils and keeps the skin healthy and the coat thick and glossy. Rodipet Terracotta Sand Bathing Bowl's curved sides help to keep as much of the sand as possible from being spilled over the edges – straight sides would need to be rather higher to have the same effect.

Apart from the sand’s caring properties, the bowl itself has advantages, too - the rough exterior gently “files” your pet’s nails as he climbs in and out, and the smooth glazed inside of the bowl makes cleaning it by hand easier – though our terracotta bowls are dishwasher safe, too.

Apart from holding bathing sand, this bowl can also be used as a food or water bowl in larger groups of rats or mice. And if you intend to feed guinea pigs or rabbits seeds as winter food, you may want to use several small bowls like this one rather than giving them one large bowl, preventing fights over the food bowl.

  • Quality craftsmanship
  • Curved sides
  • Low sand consumption
  • Unglazed outer sides
  • Easy to clean

Measurements and details:

Diameter: 13 cm

Height: 4 cm 

Rodipet® recommends this product

As a sand bathing bowl for all pets with a body length of up to 10 cm, e. g. dwarf hamsters, fancy mice, steppe lemmings, dwarf mice and many others

As food or water bowl for larger groups of socially inclined small pets, e. g. fancy mice, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits and many others

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